People Are Sharing Survival Tips That Are Not Only False, But Could Get You Killed

    Running in a zigzag to outrun an alligator is a myth.

    Earlier this week, Reddit user u/kuroi_sny asked, "What survival myth is completely wrong and can get you killed?" People came through with some stuff that we've all commonly heard that's not only UNTRUE, but also suuuuper unsafe and dangerous.

    a woman looking back as she gets away from a stranger in a park

    Here's what they said:

    1. "Drinking water from a cactus. It's not safe. If absolutely needed for survival, you could get some water out of a Fishhook Barrel Cactus, but only in limited amounts. Most cacti have various acids and other fun things in the water that will make you shit yourself to death. Dehydration in the desert isn't a laughing matter, and you don't want to lose the precious bit of water left in your body to the desert ground."


    2. “That the desert is hot and little clothing is best. Cover up during both the day and the night. The sun will burn you and dehydrate you very quickly. During the night, it’s really common for people to die of hypothermia because the temperature drops so fast. And having lived here, I've experienced how during the winter, it gets to the low 20s Fahrenheit pretty often. And the wind is awful."


    a woman smiling while in a desert canyon

    3. "Running in a zigzag to outrun an alligator is a myth. Alligators don't run for long distances, so this will probably just waste your energy. They can also climb some fences and trees as well."


    4. "That moss grows on the north side of a tree. It can grow all over the tree, so it’s not a steadfast rule that you should make important decisions solely on."


    someone climbing up moss covered rocks

    5. “That if you’re in a tornado, you should open all your windows to equalize the pressure inside to match the outside. If you’re in a tornado opening any window or door will create a wind tunnel that rips your entire roof off. Don't open your windows."


    6. "That lightning never strikes twice in the same place. If lightning has found a path that it likes, it's extremely likely to strike multiple times. That why lightning rods work."


    7. "That bullshit 'Change your voicemail if you are lost' PSA that was making the rounds over the last year. You need a cell signal to change your voicemail. So if you have a signal, then why wouldn't you just call for help?"


    8. “'Follow flying birds to find water.' They can simply be flying to spend a night anywhere, so we can’t rely on them."


    9. "That you should be quiet to be safe from avalanches because they are caused by sound. Sound does not trigger avalanches. Even very loud sounds are nowhere near enough. Avalanche control is done with howitzers and dynamite charges."


    10. "Concerning frostbite, do not rub someone’s frostbitten skin or pour hot water on it to warm them up. Such measures will damage the skin even more severely. Soak them in warm water."


    a person blowing on their hands to keep them warm while in the snow

    11. "Rationing your water. Don’t ration. If you're in a hot area, don't ration your water, drink when you feel thirsty and search for more water."


    12. "Just because water looks clean doesn't mean it is. You've gotta boil it or distill it to actually have clean water."


    13. "Urban survival truths: If you hear shots, go home. If you hear yelling, ignore it and go home. If someone is following you, don't go home. If using Uber/Lyft, check the license plate against your app info and ask the name of your driver. Walk purposefully with your head up. Act like you belong."


    a series of security footage showing someone getting mugged

    14. "'Drinking alcohol when you are freezing will keep you warm.' No, it won't, it will bring on hypothermia much sooner."


    15. "That you should stand in a doorway during an earthquake. I live in an earthquake prone area. The doorway will collapse. You're safer under a table."

    16. "If your plane is crashing, an inflatable raft makes a TERRIBLE parachute. Mythbusters busted this."

    Did they miss any examples? Let me know in the comments below!