Lil Nas X Made A Lighthearted Joke About Boosie Badazz, Who Then Replied With A Disgusting Anti-Gay Rant About Him


    You know Lil Nas X — rap superstar, bona fide bop-maker. And you may know Boosie Badazz. He's also a rapper.

    Well, the two got embroiled in a very random but ultimately nasty feud this weekend. Here's what happened:

    This week, Lil Nas went on Instagram Live and joked about having an upcoming collaboration with Boosie.

    Lil Nas X says he’s working on a song with Boosie.

    Twitter: @rapalert4 / Via Instagram: @lilnasx

    "So I've been working on this song with Boosie, bro. I have this song — it's gonna come out," Lil Nas said.

    Lil Nas with his chin in his hand

    Boosie must've gotten word that Lil Nas said that, because he replied with a disturbing anti-gay tweet. Heads up — it uses anti-gay language and mentions suicide:

    Yeah, pretty awful. Soon after, Lil Nas tweeted this, seemingly referencing Boosie's comments:

    i am truly saddened. i have never been so mortified in my life. i can’t believe disney channel has yet to play halloween town this entire october.

    Twitter: @LilNasX

    The controversy eventually spawned some viral reactions on Twitter:

    Boosie isn't mad that Lil Nas X is queer. Boosie is mad that a queer Black rapper is doing better than him in an industry that has built its foundation in homophobia.

    Twitter: @DoctorJonPaul
    Twitter: @Phil_Lewis_
    Twitter: @blaccbrry_

    boosie is so mad his homophobia not working on lil nas x. like he is unraveling over the shit,

    Twitter: @NoEmmeG

    this is boosie with lil nas x 💀

    Twitter: @Sadcrib

    This isn't the first time Boosie has been problematic. Last year, he made headlines after going on an anti-trans rant about Zaya Wade, daughter of Dwyane Wade. Mike Tyson eventually called him out on his podcast.

    Black-and-white image of Mike sitting and talking to Boosie

    "Who the fuck are we to make a comment about somebody else's life? Who are you?" Mike said to Boosie. "What happened to you that you think you're somebody who can make a comment about somebody else's life? ... I realized about myself, sometimes I have to say, ‘Fuck, I’m wrong.’”

    Close-up of Mike talking with headphones on

    In conclusion, the hate and negativity need to stop. We will update you as this story unfolds.

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Other international suicide helplines can be found at The Trevor Project, which provides help and suicide-prevention resources for LGBTQ youth, is 1-866-488-7386. You can also text TALK to 741741 for free, anonymous 24/7 crisis support in the US and UK from the Crisis Text Line.

    If you or someone you know has experienced anti-LGBTQ violence or harassment, you can contact the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs hotline at 1-212-714-1141.