Here's Why Katy Perry Is Facing Backlash For Her "Baby You're A Firework" Tweet

    Katy definitely wasn't expecting this backlash.

    By now, you know that a few weeks ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which gave everyone nationwide the constitutional right to have an abortion.

    🚨BREAKING: The Supreme Court just struck down Roe v. Wade, a drastic reversal of nearly 50 years of precedent that had made abortion a Constitutional right. This allows for Republican-led states to outlaw and criminalize abortion.

    Twitter: @BuzzFeedNews

    Since then, celebrities have spoken out. From Olivia Rodrigo singing "Fuck You" to the Supreme Court at Glastonbury to Lizzo pledging $500,000 to abortion rights organizations, they've been quite vocal.

    Well Katy Perry — who's typically pretty vocal about politics — did not make an official statement about the landmark overturning, but she did retweet this about the baby formula shortage.

    There ain’t even BABY FORMULA ON THE SHELVES

    Twitter: @NiaMac_

    However, on Fourth of July, Katy did address the state of women's rights in a cheeky tweet. "'Baby, you're a firework' is a 10" she wrote. "But women in the US have fewer rights than an actual sparker, SMH."

    “Baby you’re a firework” is a 10 but women in the US have fewer rights than an actual sparkler smh

    Twitter: @katyperry

    People immediately called out Katy, reminding her that she tweeted "RICK CARUSO FTW!" just a few weeks prior.

    Twitter: @katyperry

    FTW means "For The Win."

    Here's why:

    Although the Los Angeles mayoral candidate tweeted that he supports a woman's right to choose, he has been condemned by Planned Parenthood — so much so that they wrote a letter to him. "Throughout your career, you’ve publicly supported organizations and policymakers who have taken aggressive action to limit access to abortion, overturn Roe v. Wade, and defund Planned Parenthood," the letter read.

    Rick smiling as he stands in front of cameras

    "You’ve donated nearly $1 million to policymakers who put forth legislation that criminalized abortion."

    "You have supported some of the strongest enemies to reproductive rights in the country. You have used your wealth and influence to support policymakers who likened abortion to murder, and who have made concerted efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and overturn Roe v. Wade."

    So, given this, Katy's firework tweet about women's rights — matched with her support of Rick Caruso — didn't exactly go over well:

    Twitter: @carebecc

    @katyperry Girl you endorsed Rick Caruso maybe sit this one out

    Twitter: @KayTeeeOh

    Reminder that celebrity girl bosses like Katy Perry & Gweneth Paltro who are now posting about reproductive rights endorsed Rick Caruso for mayor. Caruso has donated over a million dollars to pro-life causes and Republican candidates including Mitch McConnell.

    Twitter: @ahouse4all

    @katyperry You supported anti-abortion billionaire Rick Caruso for mayor

    Twitter: @thismyshow

    Katy has not responded to the backlash, but we will update you if she does.