Justin Bieber's Dad Jeremy Posted An Offensive Message About Pride Month


    You know Justin Bieber, obviously. Well, this story isn't about him, it's about his dad, Jeremy.

    Justin's dad walks behind him as they exit a building

    On Wednesday, Jeremy, 48, tweeted this message about Pride Month: "Don't forget to thank a straight person this month for your existence."


    — Jeremy Bieber (@JeremyBieber) June 7, 2023
    Twitter: @JeremyBieber

    He also posted this during the first week of Pride.

    We need to celebrate families. U know the reason we’re all here! The things this generation glorifies is unbelievable!

    — Jeremy Bieber (@JeremyBieber) June 5, 2023
    Twitter: @JeremyBieber

    Yup. People were obviously annoyed at the Facebook-circa-2012-vibes post. But a LOT of people had the same comeback for Jeremy, who reportedly left Justin and his mother for a year when the singer was 4 years old.

    stop trying to be homophobic with this argument that seems to defend "tradicional family" you were not even a good father to justin, maybe you should worry about justin's daddy issues, what a hypocrisy

    — saturn (@drewbieberns) June 7, 2023
    Twitter: @drewbieberns

    Twitter: @holdmeholy

    Twitter: @itsmaraujo

    Twitter: @senshails

    So yeah, it's an embarrassing post. It's giving Facebook 2012. And we're not gonna thank straight people during Pride Month. Pride is a celebration of queer people fighting for their rights — the right straight people didn't give to us.

    A black-and-white photo of a protesters with signs. Some signs say "RIOT REMEMBER STONEWALL" and "Killed by lack of AIDS Funds"

    So bye, Jeremy.