Instagram Will Begin Hiding Likes On Your Pictures — Here's How People Are Reacting

    "It's gonna humble a few."

    This week, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri announced Instagram will hide likes from the platform.

    BREAKING: Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri has announced that likes will disappear from the platform for US users starting as soon as next week.

    Obviously, IG is one of the biggest social platforms ever, so people had some thoughts — both serious and funny — on this. Here's how they felt:


    I love the idea of Instagram hiding likes. Time to focus on self expression and creativity. Not the like-bait content.


    here’s the thing if instagram starts hiding likes how will I know how to feel absolutely nothing


    instagram is pointless without likes, so we’re just gonna smile at pictures and keep scrolling i -


    If Instagram gets rid of likes half of Los Angeles will be out of business


    i’m a whore for validation wrd2 so instagram don’t take my likes away pwease


    I’m not posting on IG after this week cuz they removing the likes. Hmmmm what should I get into now? Think of all the time I’ll have with my new life


    I think that’s so fire that ig is taking likes away. its gunna humble a few


    Instagram is getting rid of likes next week. White muscle gays are going to have a fit. 😂


    Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri announces Instagram will be removing likes from platform.


    Instagram: we’re hiding likes lol Me: ordering chicken parm with vodka sauce and going to bed wake me up when I should give a fuck lol


    Instagram hiding likes under posts? Time for us to evolve and start posting our likes on our stories. They can't stop our vanity and toxic search for comparative social validation if we band together


    @DruePhoto It’s been ages in Australia and honestly it’s the best thing that’s ever happened. Removed a lot of the pre-anxiety around posting. Now i post and forget about it. So good.


    @DruePhoto I think it has good intention but it seems futile considering traffic & content popularity will simply be gauged in a different manner (comments, shares, views). Not to mention this removes more power from the user on the platform and maybe IG intentions are not so good afterall.


    @DruePhoto i dont think likes should matter as long as you’re happy with your content, you know how talented you are, how many peeps like what you shoot, and no amount of likes should show that for you 👏🏼💕


    'Instagram to test hiding Like counts in US, which could hurt influencers'


    “If you post a picture, and no one sees how many people liked it, does it still exist?”

    Yup, this is a big deal. What do you think about Insta hiding likes? Let me know in the comments below!