Ellen Shared Audience Members' Embarrassing Instagram Pictures And I'm Laughing But Also Praying For Them

    Featuring some very interesting pics...

    On Monday, Ellen did one of my favorite segments of hers, where she scrolls through audience members' embarrassing Instagram photos and kind of roasts them:

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    First up was someone named Deanna, who posted this pic, captioned, "Throwback to the night I don't remember."

    Ellen was like, "Why would you post this????"

    Then Deanna asked when it was and Ellen was like "Really?!"

    Next up was Pedro, who posted this picture.

    Ellen said, "You seem to enjoy sleeping on a bathroom floor." Turns out, it wasn't him.

    Ok, good that Pedro is in the clear. BUT then Ellen asks for his friend's name and he tells her without even hesitating!!

    Last but not least was Jaime, who posted this photo of himself for Man Crush Monday, captioned, "My #mcm all day everyday!"

    He actually had no words for what was happening:

    Jaime thought he deleted the picture a while ago:

    But Ellen had a question.

    And then a call-out:

    To which Jaime cleverly responded:

    But ultimately Ellen had the last word:

    LMAO. I need her to never stop doing this skit.

    And by the way, don't feel too bad for these audience members. Ellen got them 65" TVs.