"Elder Millennials" Are Sharing Millennial Stereotypes That Are Super Untrue And Annoying

    "Boomers can't hear the word Boomer without screaming bloody murder."

    Recently, I wrote a post about "elder millennials" — who are, like, late 30s to 40 — sharing examples of untrue millennial stereotypes. Our BuzzFeed Community came through with some spot-on examples of their own.

    A woman smiling at her computer screen.

    Here's what they said:

    1. "That we're impolite. I’ve worked retail, and I’m a nurse now, and Boomers are consistently the age group who are more unreasonable and less compassionate — NOT older millennials."


    2. "I hate that we, as older millennials, get lumped in with the young millennials. We are NOT the ones eating Tide Pods! Also, I know how to use a rotary phone. But I also know how to use technology — like set up a cell phone, use basic computer skills and advanced skills, because we older millennials were taught this in school. Oh, and we aren’t the ones lying around not working and feeling entitled. That’s the young millennials!"


    A woman laughing at her cellphone.

    3. "That we're 'snowflakes.' Baby boomers can't hear the word 'boomer' without screaming bloody murder, and they can't handle being told they might be wrong about anything without throwing a hissy fit, but they shit on us constantly about some perceived sensitivity."


    4. "I hate the stereotype that all we do is bitch about Boomers and blame them for all our problems."


    5. "As an elder millennial here, I don't like the stereotype that we don't work hard. We are the hardest working generation — we just got the shit end of the stick."


    6. "When they assume we’re irresponsible and lack basic knowledge to function in day-to-day life — like we haven’t yet experienced life. Folks, we’re nearly 40 years old and have experienced health concerns, career loss, divorces, foreclosures, loss of children, and even parental death. We are well versed in the trials of life, so please do not tell us we aren’t."


    A group of people at a funeral.

    7. "I’m an older millennial. I have NEVER eaten avocado toast. I have NO money. There goes your little avocado toast theory."


    8. "I'm 32 and SO sick of the 'always on their phones' trope. It’s literally all the information in the world — in your pocket. We’re not all on Snapchat or Twitter. So often I hear something on TV and I don’t know about it, so I search it because I’m curious or want to know more. You can read the news or even books on your phone. You can look up why mom’s printer is giving her that error code she’s been complaining about for a week. Yes, I use Instagram and text my friends, but it’s so, so much more than that."


    9. "That we are all partiers. Us getting blamed for the COVID spring break surge in 2021 really pissed me off! Sir, I am 37 years old, and I am asleep by 10 p.m. My back hurts from sitting weird yesterday. I am not on the fucking beach in Florida."


    A male couple laying in bed together.

    10. "The overplayed 'killed x' thing. Things millennials killed/ are still trying to kill: homophobia, sexism, racism, child abuse being normalized, not talking about mental health, and shitty chain restaurants. You know, all that stuff from the 'good old days.'"


    11. "I laugh when Boomers call us snowflakes, when they seem like the biggest bunch of wimps in history. Anytime they get a taste of their own medicine, they act like it’s an assault on their freedom."


    12. "That working from home is somehow less serious. I'll get a call from my mom, 'Hey you are not working now, go do something for me.' Yes, I AM working!"


    A man sitting at his desk and working.

    13. "That we don’t take our jobs seriously. I had to sit my peer (age 55) down and tell him that the millennials he was complaining about were the same age as the 'very qualified and mission-focused' person he’s been working with for the past decade."


    14. "My mom complained back when I was in college because I could not pay for college with my summer jobs, saying that she paid for most of her college with her summer jobs. College today is a lot more expensive."


    15. "It really pisses me off how older generations constantly perpetuate the idea that millennials have no manners and are just inherently shitty and rude. I have worked in retail, a call center, and social services for my entire working life, so I have communicated with a lot of different people from all age groups and all walks of life. Without a doubt, there is an absolute and distinct difference in 'manners' between millennials and folks from older generations. Few of the rude people were millennials."


    16. "That we don’t have any DIY skills. I’ve been building things my entire life, and now I bought a Boomer's house and am fixing all his boomer shortcuts and mistakes and laziness."


    Did they miss any? Let me know in the comments below!