I Went On A Date With A Real Life Vampire And It Didn't Suck

    They're people just like you and me. But with fake fangs.

    This is Selorm and she didn't believe vampires existed.

    But she's always down to try new things, so she decided to do something totally off the wall!

    She went on a blind date with a vampire (yes, an actual vampire).

    Watch their dangerous date!

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    Meet Anthony Montemarano. He's part of a coven called The Sabretooth Clan.

    Naturally, they decided the perfect place for their first date would be the Museum of Death. Yes, the Museum of Death.

    They get to know each other a little better.

    Then the pair hit up dinner for some extra rare meat, which required Onius to take out his fangs.

    They finished the date off with a nice little glass of wine on the rooftop.

    Overall, the date went a lot better than expected. There's even plans for a second date!