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    SpringHill Day Camps Explained By Michael Scott

    SpringHill day camps explained by Michael Scott moments

    When you are super excited about applying for springhill

    When your campers keep asking why you aren't very good at something

    When you go home on weekends to get away from kids

    When your kids keep beating you at "Where's My Chicken" so you have to step your game up

    When you try to explain to your friends how you manage to stay up late every night and still wake up before 7

    When you lead a morning meeting and no one is talking at all so you try to spark a discussion

    When it's week 8 or 9 and you have absolutely no energy remaining

    When you try to decide if you're going to be the really fun counselor or the one who lays down the law and keeps the kiddo's in line

    When you have all of your activities outside and it's 95 degrees out

    When you try to tell your friends that you're not doing camp for the money

    When your host home asks how they can make your stay more pleasurable

    When it's Friday and you have to prepare to say goodbye to a really great group of kids

    When one of your kids asks what activity you're doing next right after you told the whole group

    How you sound to your campers on Monday morning when you try to explain all of the rules

    When your campers try to tell you that you're the one in the skit but you try to ignore them

    When you have a camper who is acting out of control and res staff asks how you were able to deal with him

    When you're about to do counselor splash off and you know you're gonna crush it

    When you're the bad guy in the skit and you finally embrace that the kids will hate you for the week

    When you have the youngest kids and you try to put scripture passages into really simple forms so they understand

    When one of your campers say that they like your co better than you

    When people ask how you feel being co's with your best friend

    When another counselor says that one of your campers does something crazy but they do stuff like that all of the time

    When your campers ask if you're the one in the skit

    Your campers when you wont let them know what activity you'll be doing next

    When you tell a camper they can go first on the rock wall just so they would stop bugging you

    When you don't get paid until the end of the second week but you still gotta pay for gas and food

    When you're playing gaga ball and your CIT or co counselor is going way too hard

    When it's Monday morning and you gotta be at camp at 7 A.M.

    When the water feels like ice but you still gotta get in with the kids

    When you're in crafts and your campers ask if you've ever created anything cool

    When you've heard "it's like we're climbing to Jesus" for the 157th time this week during de-brief

    When your CIT harnesses your kids and they put it on completely wrong

    When your parents question if you're able to handle having 18 kids a week for 10 weeks

    When your kids keep throwing down the helmets after you tell them to make a happy turtle.

    When someone asks you how you are doing on a rough day

    When you try to explain to new people how to dance to Chainsaw

    What you tell your kids right before you decide to go up on the flying squirrel

    when they try to tell you that we aren't gonna play the song "This Little Light" this summer