21 Blowjob Faces That Perfectly Describe Everything

    Oh...oh...oh. Go slower. Okay, go faster. No, slower. Oh. My. God.

    1. When your mom made your favorite meal from scratch.

    2. When you accidentally drop your phone and find out that it's not broken.

    3. When you can't stop thinking about eating that perfect slice of pizza.

    4. When you think of Channing Tatum in Magic Mike.

    5. When you get back inside from an amazing run.

    6. When you win that very competitive eBay auction.

    7. When you nailed that job interview.

    8. When the shampoo girl gives you a head massage.

    9. When you finally finish that epic Spotify playlist.

    10. When you're starting to pull a Band-Aid off, and you realize that it's going to pull out some hairs. And then you're all, "I'm just going to rip it off real fast!"

    11. When you lay down on freshly-washed sheets. So comfy!

    12. When you're just learning how to rollerblade.

    13. When you totally regret not buying that AC so you could save a couple extra bucks on your power bill.

    14. When you hear a noise in the other room, and then accept the fact that it's probably not a serial killer.

    15. When you just finished the Harry Potter series.

    16. When you realize that that you've wasted too much time on a TV show you didn't even really like in the first place.

    17. When you privately fart in a place where you think no one will ever smell.

    18. When you find out that you're greedy landlord is raising your rent.

    19. When you finally take off those really cute shoes that are just a little too tight.

    20. Oh man, those shoes were tight.

    21. When you...I don't know...when you think a frozen snack is the only way to help you do sit-ups?

    But sometimes you just want to take matters into your own hands if you want shit to get done right.