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    The Stages Of Pulling An All Nighter: From Midnight To Your Deadline

    With midterms right around the corner, the education fairytale quickly finds its Grimm Brother roots. These are Studentrella’s 12 stages after the clock strikes 12pm. By RU Student Life storyteller Zahra Khozema.

    12:00 am: Calculating every hour, minute, and millisecond until your test or assignment is due.

    1:00 am: Hyperventilating because you have only written your name on the document

    2:00 am: Rewarding yourself with a fridge raid for getting so far.

    3:00 am: Goin’ ham on the keyboard, just spewing ANYTHING before all hope is lost.

    4:00 am: The smile after you write one page because you have finally crossed over that hump.

    5:00 am: Setting your alarm every 30 minutes on your phone to make sure you're still up.

    6:00 am: Staring at the wall...

    7:00am: Starting a 'Works Cited' list even though you've only gotten less than half way.

    8:00 am: The sun has already come up and your self esteem has hit the ground.

    9:00 am: Checking all the social medias and messaging everyone in the class to compare progress.

    10:00 am: Also known as the power hour.

    11:00 am: Must go on....

    11:58:42 am: You click submit on Blackboard.

    11:58:43 am: ZzzzZZZZzzzZZzzZ