

I'm obsessively opposed to the typical. I'm always daunted by the prospect of writing one of these intros, I always feel like there's something more intangible not being captured. Well, here's a try ... My story isn't a typical one, since it involves fleeing a war-ravaged country, immigrating into US and living everywhere from San Francisco to New York City to Boston. I have had to learn to be fiercely independent, but these days looking for someone to ground me and help me pause (if not stop) the endless wandering. I'm an extraverted, outgoing person who gets recharged from being with other people and hearing their stories, or just creating more fodder for my infamous book of funny quotes. People say I'm approachable and easy to talk to, but that just comes with working in higher education and chatting with students all day long. I love meeting new people who can teach me something new about the world and challenge and expand my worldview.

Apr 2011
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