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    How Do You Define Success?

    How do you define success? Is it by having the most luxurious car or simply just passing all your classes this semester.

    This question seems so hard to answer. I came across it while listening to one of my favorite podcasts "Pardon My French". I feel like there is no right or wrong answer, but it's important to not let anyone define success for you.

    When I was younger, I thought success was when I had a limo and people working for me. Now, I count success as surviving graduate school and being able to binge watch The Hills again (Lauren Conrad for life!).

    As I've gotten older, I try to always take time and tell myself how proud I am of myself. I feel like a lot of times we expect others to tell us how well we did on something before we tell ourselves how proud we are of all that we've done.

    You don't have to have a big car or the latest Hermès bag to be successful (I love a nice Mercedes GLK though and who doesn't want a Birkin bag?!). Success can be whatever you think it is. No one can define you.