Remain Supporters Say This Comment About Brexit Sums Up Exactly How They Feel

    "The younger generation has lost the right to work and live in 27 other countries."

    Britain voted on Thursday to leave the European Union, prompting our prime minister on Friday to announce his resignation and leaving many Britons unsure of what was going to happen next.

    Many people who say they voted to remain in the EU – especially young voters – have taken to social media to share their many thoughts on the situation. But the following comment especially struck a chord with many of those voters:

    This comment from a reader of the FT puts it better than I ever could.

    The comment – which has been shared thousands of times on Twitter – was written by "Nicholas" under a Financial Times article about Britain "plunging" into constitutional crisis after voting to leave the EU.

    The commenter "Nicholas" is Nicholas Barrett, a 25-year-old research associate who lives in Florence, but was born in South London.

    Barrett said he was expecting Remain to win, but at 5am he heard the news.

    "I was crushed," he told BuzzFeed News. "I left my flat and went for walk in the empty streets. I was two hours early for work, and that's when I wrote the comment."

    Despite being disappointed by the news, Barrett says the reaction to his comment has been "amazing."

    "It's a horrible day for mankind," he added, "but I'm glad people like what I said."