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28 Ways To Prove Your Pokèmon Obsession

Gotta catch 'em all!

1. This genius Koffing mug

2. These Pokèmon butt magnets

3. This Meowth wallet

4. These Pokeball socks to keep your toesies warm

5. This amazing scarf

6. This Pikachu bed thing

7. This Snorlax tank

8. This Oddish planter

9. These adorable lil' Pokèmon keychains

10. This Squirtle Squad T-Shirt

11. This too-cute Pikachu hat

12. The Jigglypuff hat

13. Or even this Charizard hat

14. This crocheted Vileplume

15. This intricate light-up Charmander statuette

16. These comfy Bulbasaur sweatpants

17. This master, perfect for any Pokèmon master

18. This Magikarp hat

19. This Eevee necklace

20. This Togepi phone case

21. This Rapidash mouse pad

22. This Team Rocket bracelet

23. Or this Team Rocket sweatshirt

24. This cool AF Horsea keychain

25. This sweet Vulpix tote bag

26. This iron-on Snorlax

27. These Pikachu earrings

28. And, of course, this Ash Ketchum hat

Now go ahead, catch 'em all!