Definitive Proof That All '90s Girls Should Start Wearing Lip Smackers Again

    **Licks lips raw.**

    Do you remember when Lip Smackers reigned supreme? We all had them. But why exactly? We decided to try them out and see these lip balms held up to our fond memories of them.

    The Results:

    8. Watermelon

    7. Mango

    6. Vanilla

    5. Cotton Candy

    4. Kiwi

    3. Strawberry

    2. Wild Raspberry

    1. Tropical Punch

    Overall, we totally understand why every kid loved these so much. The product holds up. It's a lot more fun than the adult lip balm choices we have now and they seem to do just as good of a job. Leave the light on, Bonne, we're coming home.