Only 90s Christian Kids Will Remember Captain Bible

    He put the FUN into fundamentalism.

    Let's face it: Your parents probably feared too much for your soul to let you play Doom or Final Fantasy – but that's ok, because the, er, flourishing Christian video game industry was here to help.


    Most of the game is spent wandering around empty corridors collecting Bible verses from these Bible verse stand things and loading them into your e-book. It is exactly as exciting as it sounds.

    As you wander around sometimes you encounter a cyber who will try and sap your faith with its deception

    But your trusty e-book is at hand to battle their terrible, terrible lies. BIBLE POWER!

    When confronted with God's truth the cyber will get hella mad and attack!

    Deceptive cybers come in all shapes an sizes, just like real-life sinners

    When the cybers attack you and drain your faith, sometimes you have to pray at the chapel and get it all back

    If you lose all your faith you go to heaven though so it's not too bad

    Speaking of which, there's a citizen now!

    Take that, sheep guy


    Literally a wolf in sheep's clothing that poor woman is distraught!

    Sparkle sparkle! She is good as new!

    Before long Captain Bible finds a vortex that leads to the rest of the city where he can continue to spread God's truth. Run Captain Bible, run!

    Eventually when you convert enough people they help you drive the Unibot and you can bring light back to the city!

    Considering the game was released in 1994 ran on MS-DOS, the graphics were pretty good

    But to 90s Christian kids who didn't know any better, Captain Bible was our only hero...except for Jesus of course.