Sex Was Invented By Ancient Fish In Scotland, Science Confirms

    The first animals to get it on were called Microbrachius dicki, and they got it on in Scotia.

    A new paper in science journal Nature claims that the first animals to reproduce through sex were small bony fish that lived in Scotland about 350 million years ago.

    "They couldn't have done it in a 'missionary position'," Professor John Long, the paper's lead author, told the BBC. Instead, they had sex side-by-side, linking their fins to keep from floating apart in the water.

    Here is a recreation of Microbrachius dicki's fishy, pioneering love. / Via / Flinders University

    Professor Long made the discovery while rooting through an old box of fossils. He noticed that the M. dicki samples had strange L-shaped appendages, which later turned out to be male genitals.

    Oh well. We still think you're sexy, Scotland.