Greg From The #givegregtheholiday Meme Is Donating His Free Holiday To Charity

    Apparently he had no idea he was a thing.

    Remember Greg, whose employers accidentally sent his holiday request to over 3,000 staff, turning him within hours into the #givegregtheholiday meme?

    Well, he's been found.

    And he was completely unaware that he'd gone viral on the internet.

    "I'm in shock," he told the Mail Online. "I handed in the holiday request on Wednesday, just left a slip of paper on my boss's desk and thought nothing else about it.

    "The next I heard of it was yesterday evening at about 5.20pm when I came in for my next shift, I had absolutely no idea."

    "I don't want any of the free stuff. I'm going to donate it all to the Stephen Sutton charity so it goes to a good cause."

    We're taking action and have decided to #givegregtheholiday. A TrekAmerica mini adventure with flights to Vegas. #GregGotTheHoliday!

    The free stuff he was offered as a result of the #givegregtheholiday hashtag included toiletries, an actual trip to Vegas, hair products, and this new bicycle.

    A holiday lasts a week, a bike can last a lifetime... Have one on us Greg #givegregtheholiday

    But, says Greg, "all I wanted was my two days off and now I've got them. I'm going to go to Chessington World of Adventures with my wife Edyta and our 20-month-old daughter."

    Have a brilliant holiday, Greg.