20 Signs That You LOVE Yachad

    I mean who doesn't LOVE the National Jewish Council for Disabilities?!

    1. Your wardrobe consists of just blue and orange clothing or Yachad promotional apparel.

    2. You own a Yachad onesie, blue and orange tutu, and Yachad suspenders. #yachadswagisdabomb

    3. Every shabbos for the next month is booked up with Yachad shabbatons.

    4. You color coordinate your notes using blue and orange highlighters

    5. You say #inclusion way too many times a day

    6. You will do anything and everything to obtain Yachad swag.

    7. Circle time is the highlight of any shabbaton.

    8. You can’t help but point out to your family and friends when you see blue and orange in the “real” world.

    9. You have 3 random facts ready to go at all times in case anyone asks you to introduce yourself.

    10. You sing any song with “Yachad” in the lyrics way too loudly.

    View this video on YouTube

    Robin Tassler

    This results in your friends standing far away from you at chagigahs when Yesh Tivkah starts playing.

    11. You want to be a Yachad advisor when you’re in college.

    12. You look through anything and everything Yachad promotional to see if you made it into anything

    View this video on YouTube

    NJCDYachad / Via youtube.com

    Then when you finally stop, you realize it's midnight and instead of going to sleep you've spent 4 hours reliving those Yachad moments because you love them so much.

    13. When you’re bored in class, you doodle the Yachad logo

    14. You’re only considering Yachad summer programs for the next how-ever many summers.

    15. When leaving a Yachad event you find yourself crying for more than a socially acceptable amount of time

    16. You practice singing boom chika boom in the mirror.

    17. Yachad is your number one priority--forget school, there’s a Yachad event on Sunday.

    18. You’ve tried singing pizza man at the Shabbos table back home and failed miserably.

    19. You’ve already tried recruiting your family members to come to Yachad events and summer programs.