17 Things That Might Happen In The Last 5 Episodes Of "Game Of Thrones"

    Now we're halfway through the season it feels like the right time to make some mostly unsubstantiated shots in the dark.

    1. Sansa, Jon, and Davos go on a road trip.

    Towards the end of Episode 5 we saw Ser Davos doing some important army-based calculations – he couldn't read until a couple of seasons ago, but luckily his maths game is strong.

    The trailer tells us that Ramsay vs Jon (or "Bastardbowl" as it has come to be known) is happening, so expect to see Team Stark going from house to house over the next two episodes in order to gain as much support as possible.

    The above shots from the pre-season trailers seem to show Davos and Sansa at House Mormont, and it's a safe bet to assume the Hornwoods, the Manderlys, and maybe a few others are also on their shopping list. By the look on Sansa's face, she's not someone you want to say no to right now.

    2. Rickon probably won't make it through the season. Sorry.

    3. After the biggest battle we've seen so far the Starks will reclaim Winterfell, and Ramsay will die. About fucking time.

    Before you get too happy, it's important to remember that NOTHING good that happens in Westeros comes without a cost. Yes, we'll once again see the Starks in Winterfell. Yes, the most evil character in TV history will be dead. But if you think you won't lose things you love along the way, then you haven't been paying attention.

    Expect an episode-long battle (like Season 4's "Watchers on the Wall"), during which it'll look like the Starks are about to lose, before something happens that turns the whole thing on its head – such as Littlefinger turning up with the Knights of the Vale. Expect deaths that will haunt you for years – Tormund seems like a suitably heartbreaking candidate. Expect one of the best battle scenes the small screen has ever seen.

    This will basically be the Battle of Hogwarts. Good people will die. It will seem like all hope is lost. But somehow the boy who lived will end up on top.

    As a bonus prediction, seeing as Ramsay is always so keen to feed his victims to the hounds, wouldn't it be splendid if Ghost was the one who finally brought his reign of terror to an end?

    4. Brienne and Jaime will reunite at Riverrun, but they'll be on opposing sides.

    Until Tormund came along, there was only one ship that Brienne fans wanted to sail in – Jaime and Brienne are pretty much the Ross and Rachel of Westeros, and it looks like we're finally we're going to see them back in the same place.

    In Episode 5 Sansa sent Brienne to Riverrun to convince her great uncle – the Blackfish – to help the Stark cause. And as you can see on the right, it looks like the Lannisters (led by Jaime) are planning to end the Tully rebellion before it can begin. Unfortunately this puts our favourite odd couple on opposing sides. They're basically going to be Romeo and Juliet. But without the unnecessary double suicide.

    Instead, after an episode or two of tension, I'm hoping that something happens that finally causes Jaime to see that his sister is batshit crazy and that he is – as much as he's tried to hide it by pushing small children out of windows – in fact, a good guy.

    5. On her way to Riverrun, Brienne will find she did a really shit job of killing the Hound.

    6. Jorah will do as he's told and find a cure for his greyscale.

    7. Benjen Stark will return (like, for real – this isn't like the time Olly told us he was back and Jon got all murdered and stuff).

    8. Yara and Theon will head to Essos to try to get to Dany before Euron can.

    9. Karma pays a visit to Walder Frey.

    10. Gendry comes back. (Lol, I know, but hear me out...)

    Since he rowed away from Dragonstone in Season 3, Gendry has become the patron saint of forgotten characters. People have decided that this is what happens when you try to condense George R.R. Martin's universe into 10 hour-long episodes per year – some characters have to "do a Gendry" and disappear, never to be seen again.

    But if that were the case, it would be a sizeable stick with which fans could and would beat the showrunners. They created an interesting, complex, and seemingly important character, only to pretend he never existed. This is why I think he's coming back, and soon.

    On the run from the crown (who'd have him killed if he were to ever reappear) Gendry truly is a brother without a banner. An outlaw. So surely there's only one place he could go. It's already been announced that Thoros of Myr will return in Season 6, so I'm going out on a limb and saying that when he does he'll have been rejoined by everyone's favourite blacksmith.

    It really is the hope that kills you.

    11. And if that wasn't enough, Nymeria will turn up as well.

    12. And talking of Arya, she'll refuse to kill the actress and leave the Faceless Men.

    13. We'll see a flashback of what went down between Jaime and the Mad King.

    14. War comes to King's Landing. As does snow.

    15. Daenerys will FINALLY look west.

    16. Sam does...err, something useful. Though we're not entirely sure what just yet.

    17. The White Walkers reach the Wall, but it doesn't come down just yet.