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This Note From The "Game Of Thrones" Premiere May Reveal Jaime's True Intentions

"Fuck everyone who isn't us." Spoilers if you haven't seen the season premiere.

Now that you've had a few days to digest the Thrones season premiere, it's pretty clear that the biggest WTF moment was the sudden and bloody destruction of the Martell line.

In just a couple of minutes Ellaria and the Sand Snakes stabbed their troubles away, seemingly taking control of Dorne so they can start a war with the Lannisters.

And as Jaime brings news of their daughter's death to Cersei, he seems to suggest that's something he's very up for.

Moments before the mutiny, however, you'll remember that Doran was passed a note informing him of Princess Myrcella's death – though we didn't know who it was from or what it said.

The day after the show was aired HBO's Making Game of Thrones shared this image, showing us exactly what Prince Doran read in his final moments.

"The Princess Myrcella died by poison on our return journey. I suspect Ellaria Sand, not you, but my sister will demand war. I doubt Ellaria's head will appease her, but it is a start, along with your neices. Your son cannot stay in King's Landing. I am sending him back on the same ship."

People have pointed out the misspelling of "nieces", choosing to believe that rather than an error on HBO's part, this is evidence of incredible attention to detail because Jaime's character is meant to be dyslexic.

The most striking thing about this note is how calm and diplomatic Jaime is, despite the fact his only daughter just died in his arms.

The note may also clear up what some considered to be a plot hole from the premiere.