26 Statements That Get More True The Longer You Think About Them

    "The Milky Way could well be the galaxy with the most milk in it." Via /r/showerthoughts

    1. If you taught a parrot to only say the word "parrot" then it would be like owning a Pokémon.

    2. The internet is full of cats because dog people go outside.

    3. The news is basically just someone saying good evening, and then giving you a list of reasons it's not.

    4. Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don't know what either of those things are.

    5. Every survey is skewed toward people willing to participate in surveys.

    6. Maybe the cat thinks the delivery guy is your owner because he gives you food.

    7. As an adult, you're not eating nearly as much ice cream as 10-year-old you thought you would.

    8. The fact that our arms are long enough to reach our genitals is one of the biggest things we take for granted.

    9. The Milky Way could well be the galaxy with the most milk in it.

    10. China has a billion people in it. One-in-a-million things happen 1,000 times a day.

    11. How many thousands of dollars have you missed out on in special effects in movies by blinking?

    12. "A mile a minute" sounds a lot faster than "60 miles an hour".

    13. Bill Gates and you have a combined fortune of around $80 billion.

    14. If you could literally be bored to death, the world would be a lot more interesting.

    15. There are 8 billion people in this world, and someone has pooped the most.

    16. On the bright side, selfie sticks are also lightning rods.

    17. Aliens living millions of light-years away haven't invaded us yet in fear of dinosaurs that their telescopes show on Earth.

    18. Someone should use screen-recording software to record an entire day's worth of working on spreadsheets and post it to YouTube so that you can play it full screen and pretend like you're working.

    19. Since smartwatches can now read your pulse, there should be a feature that erases your browser history if your heart stops beating.

    20. When Sweden is playing Denmark, it is SWE-DEN. The remaining letters, not used, are DEN-MARK.

    21. During childhood, we are told that jokes about the genital areas are adult content, but once we become adults, these jokes are considered "childish".

    22. Most people are buried in suits and stuff so a zombie apocalypse would be a formal event.

    23. Antarctica has no south coast.

    24. At age 30, you've spent a month having birthdays.

    25. "Taking candy from a baby" would actually be a responsible thing to do.

    26. What if every country has ninjas, but we only know about the Japanese ones because they’re rubbish?