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    Five Reasons Food Science is Cooler than You Think

    Thought food science is for geeks? Well it is but these geeks will be responsible for putting food on the table for more than 9.5 billion people in 2050.

    World population growth is set to reach 9.5 billion by 2050 – 30 percent more than today. Two to three billion more people will join the middle class – and want to eat better. Add those two trends together, and what do you get? A doubling in global food demand. It may be the greatest challenge of our time. And climate change will just make it harder. But there's a path to feeding a hungrier world using less land to farm than we do today. Here's how:

    Really Cool Science … Just Like CSI

    Managing Fields by the Square Meter

    Waste Not, Want Not

    The Microbes Are Coming

    The Production Gap Will Narrow

    Why I’m an Optimist…

    After 2050, population growth is expected to flatten. Put that together with the gains we can make in agriculture, and we'll be in a better position to feed everybody – and reduce the footprint of farming around the world. A brighter future for humanity, a brighter future for our planet. We can do it, if we're smart and work together.