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    SEX And Our Youth: 10 Reasons To Provide Contraception To Teens

    Sexual education policies need to step into the 21st century. As the younger generation is becoming more and more sexually active we need to protect against unintended teen pregnancy and STD's with contraceptive methods.

    Absent Minded Abstinence

    1. 9 out of every 10 single young adults (18-29) are sexually active; about half of high school-age teens are sexually active

    - Yup that's right, this is where 16 and Pregnant finds the girls to cast on TV. Get on Birth Control

    2. Only 50% of teen mother receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age.

    3. By the time teen's are 19, 7 out of 10 have had sex

    - No longer courting like back in the day. Just one on one in the bed. Get on Birth Control.

    4. Teen pregnancies are highest in abstinence only states.

    5. Nearly 1 in 5 sexually active boys report that they have never heard anything about condoms or contraceptive.

    - If you don't know what you are doing, you probably shouldn't be doing it. Get on Birth Control

    6. The proportion of women at risk for pregnancy and STD's who are not using a method is highest among 15-19 year old teens.

    - Washing your hands won't get rid of this illness. Get on Birth Control.

    7. You may think having a baby will make your relationship even stronger, but the fact is 8 out of 10 fathers don't marry the mother of their child (or pay very much in child support)

    8. Roughly 75 percent of all reported gonorrhea is found in people age 15 to 29, with the highest infection rates found in teen girls age 15 to 19 and 20 to 24-year-old men

    - A disease like that lasts forever, especially if you are starting at 15. Get on Birth Control.

    9. There would be fewer abortions.

    - No babies, no unplanned pregnancies, no abortions. It's easy. Get on Birth Control.

    10. There would be no need for emergency contraceptive methods.