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    Pointer Pointing At Things

    Do you know Maddie standing on things? Well this is Wallace, pointing at things.

    1. At friends

    2. At a crab-like Hugh Grant

    3. At a smoking Pippi Longstock (Who wouldn't point fingers eh?)

    4. At The Tramp

    5. At Bad money

    6. At Noah and Allie

    7. At cartoon dogs

    8. At friends (Again. You never have enough friends)

    9. At your food (whatever you're eating)

    10. At Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield

    11. At Almost Famous' infamous pool party

    12. At Friends' friends

    13. At Shere Khan

    14. At the cutest bear ever

    15. At Jack (and, last but not least, the Ikea guide)