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    "Dear Drake, Love Diane" Is Everything You Needed To Say To Drake, Ever

    Imagining that a man could be sensitive and aware of the needs of women, as Drake promotes, is like finding water in the desert. If the superstar actually reads these, I'd guess he does so while wearing a silk robe, sitting comfortably in his candlelit boudoir, and listening to Sade. Diane Exavier, the author behind the letters, agrees.

    1. "Drake, you so crazy." / Via

    From Dear Drake #14, published after Drake released his new video for Hotline Bling.

    "Drake, you so crazy.

    Drake, you are breaking the Internet.

    Drake, what are you even doing?"

    2. "Drake, I'm gonna need you to use your imagination." / Via

    From Dear Drake #12, when you start reminiscing about what you never had.

    "You ever feel like you've dodged a bullet?

    Staring at the surface of what you thought was a storm,

    but is really—well—nothing:

    it happens in slow motion."

    3. "Ariel is getting married today." / Via

    From Dear Drake #11, when your girlfriend is in love and crushing it at adulting, you just have to share.

    "Ariel is getting married today. It's 11:40, so she's definitely married by now. The wedding was in Denver."

    4. "Alright, Drizzy. You Got Me." / Via

    From Dear Drake #10, when you know you aren't being honest with bae, and he calls you on it.



    you got me.

    I am totally lying!"

    5. "How did it feel to get shot in the spine by a crazy kid on Degrassi?" / Via

    From Dear Drake #9, because you remember the past and still have unanswered questions, but you appreciate the present.

    "How did it feel to get shot in the spine by a crazy kid on Degrassi? You need to drop a new album with Fetty Wap and Meek Mill.

    I told some folks that I write to you every day

    and that if they had anything they wanted to tell you,

    they should let me know.

    They had much to say."

    6. "Drake, if you're not trying to kill me, I could love you." / Via

    From Dear Drake #15, because we all fight love sometimes.

    "Drake, if you're not trying to kill me, I could love you.

    It's a small thing.

    Love is a big thing,

    a terrifying thing,

    but it starts simply,

    I think."

    7. "Drake, get on this bus." / Via

    From Dear Drake #13, when you're feeling under-appreciated and you need to vent. Something tells me Drake listens; attentively.

    "We (not you) are women on the edge of insanity, speaking languages no one understands.

    We are waiting for you to get on the bus/boat/bus with us.

    We are waiting for you so we can drive/sail/drive away.

    (We'd rather not run you over.

    But at this point, we will if we have to.)"

    8. "Could you imagine a person in the world not knowing you?" / Via

    From Dear Drake #8, because sometimes it's hard to deal with the difference between being too familiar and completely invisible. Even when so much is going on in the world, it's hard to imagine not knowing who Drake is.


    last week I met two people who didn't know you, had no idea who you were.

    Could you imagine a person in the world not knowing you?

    9. "You see in their eyes that it’s not just the day." / Via

    From Dear Drake #7, when you just can't hide your feelings. Drake knows. He can tell.

    "Sometimes you ask people how they're doing

    and they say, "Fine, but,"

    their hearts are heavy.

    Their hearts aren't here.

    You see in their eyes that it's not just the day.

    It's not the exhaustion of the day.

    It's something else."

    10. "Also, do you put honey in your tea?" / Via

    From Dear Drake #9, when you are catching up with bae and you're distracted by his sensitivity.

    "Champagne Papi, I like your music; however, you're killing Meek Mill. Please stop. 'What a Time to Be Alive' was fire. Also, do you put honey in your tea? Hotline Bling is fire."