Doctors Removed An Embryonic Twin With Hair And Teeth From This Woman’s Brain

    Yamini Karanam jokingly claimed that her "evil twin" had been torturing her for years.

    This is Indiana University PhD student Yamini Karanam. The 26-year-old decided to seek medical help after she started having problems listening to conversations.

    So, using $32,000 her friends had raised, the PhD student went to the Skull Base Institute in Los Angeles, the Washington Post reported.

    During keyhole surgery, Shahinian discovered a teratoma, also known as an embryonic twin, in Karanam’s brain.

    Karanam told the Washington Post she had felt some kind of emotional connection to her "twin" after it was discovered.

    "I was stuck with it much longer than I thought," she said.

    "It doesn't leave you much choice other than to deal with it the best you can."

    Here's NBC4 News' report on Karanam's story.

    View this video on YouTube

    BuzzFeed News has also contacted Karanam for further information.