21 Questions Welsh Rugby Fans Have For English People

    We gave Welsh people the opportunity to ask the questions they've always wanted to ask (h/t Paul Rowland, James King, Rachael Krishna, Elena Cresci, Geraint Criddle).

    1. "What is it about matchdays that just screams gilets and tweed?"

    2. "Can you name two songs?"

    3. "Did you win the World Cup in 2003?"

    4. "When was the last time you won a Grand Slam?"

    5. "And what period of time do you think it'd be appropriate to stop using a World Cup as an arguing point?"

    6. "Is Matthew Tait okay yet?"

    7. "Don't you just wish this guy was English?"

    8. "Or this guy?"

    9. "Does this guy make you proud?"

    10. "What about this lot?"

    11. "Have you worked out yet that Wales, Ireland and Scotland have got Dan Cole on the payroll to give away as many penalties as possible per game?"

    12. "Do you really not want to punch this face?"

    13. "What about this one?"

    14. "Do you understand that John Inverdale is just an England fan with a microphone?"

    15. "Do you ever wonder if we're singing nasty things about you when we sing in Welsh, because, to be honest, we are..."

    16. "Is this video real or is it a parody? It's a parody yeah? Almost an entire documentary about a kick."

    View this video on YouTube


    17. "You know, if you like kicking so much, you could just play football?"

    18. "Does it ever bother you that a nation of 3 million can absolutely tonk a nation of 53 million?"


    20. "Can you spot the Welshman in this picture?"

    21. "How sad are you on a scale from 1 - 10 that you have no reason to wear daffodil hats?"

    22. "Why is the Welsh rugby team so much better looking than the English?"

    23. "Finally, when we knock you out of the group stages of the World Cup, can you agree to finally stop talking about 2003?"

    Because it's now the year 2015.

    English rugby fans! If you have any questions for Welsh rugby fans, feel free to leave them in the comments...