21 Muslim Memes That'll Have Your Group Chat Crying Laughing

    "I feel sorry that you can't eat bacon"

    1. This one you send the fam when it's time for Friday prayer:

    2. And this one you send your sister when (yet again) someone expresses their pity for the lack of bacon in your life:

    3. This one you send your brother when you see him across the room eating those gummy bears:

    4. Or this one you send your dad when he doesn't necessarily approve of your career choices:

    5. Because honestly, there are only four options.

    6. This one you send your little brother when your dad has curved your movie plans:

    7. And the one you send your sister when you dream about using your dad's tactics against him:

    8. This one you send when you're looking forward to Eid:

    9. And this one you send the fam when the first day of Ramadan has finally come:

    10. This one you send to your cousin when they're late to the mosque — like good luck finding a spot for your shoes, bro.

    11. Or this one you send your little brother when he decides to use your shoes without asking:

    12. And this one that you send to your cousin after Jum'ah:

    13. This one you send your friend to remind them that they probably shouldn't chase after ANOTHER fuckboy:

    14. Only the real friends get sent this one:

    15. This one you send that is basically almost all of your Friday nights in a nutshell:

    16. The one that sums up realizing it's time to really get comfortable during Friday prayer:

    17. And then the one that is literally your face when you're thinking about your real plans:

    18. This one you send your BFF when you accidentally pricked your hand on her scarf during a hug:

    19. Or this one you send your best friend when they're about to meet the parents:

    20. This one you send your sister when a friendly roasting match is going down:

    21. And this one you send your mom when she hits you with that remark we hear basically once a week: