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    BuzzFeed, Will You Hire Me?

    Contains information about whether I suits the job or not.

    1. I love Hollywood and the people inside

    2. How is my attitude ?


    Might be shy at first, but after knowing me better, you'll know that I'm actually a fun person! Always thrilled to learn something new, hardworker and absolutely believe that experience is priceless.

    3. I do have organizational experience!


    My CV contains the details about this issue. And I would love to add another part for Buzzfeed's in my CV.

    4. Majoring in information systems? But why choose this intern?


    Yep!! I'm trying to do what I love to do. After careful consideration, I tried to apply a job at your company even though it's competitive and far from my country. But again, YOLO, I try to live my life at the best!

    As 21 year old guy who is going to graduate soon, my family, friends and relative always ask about "What kind of job will you get?" Since i'm learning in IT field, most of them expect me that I'll have job in IT Industry.

    So, by accepting me, Buzzfeed; you're just not helping me in helping what I love to do but also make sure that I will work in IT industry since your company also runs in the same industry. (Plus, this absolutely will be a life-changing experience!)

    5. Hiring an Indonesian citizen?! Might think twice to do that

    6. Where do you get the information of the celebrities from?

    7. Last but not least, here is my social media link:


    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to ask or know more about on me. You can contact me via the social media, email or phone which already stated in my CV.

    In the end, thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.