The Queen Of Jordan Wrote An Amazing Letter To Young Girls Everywhere

    Just another reason she's definitely a boss.

    This is Queen Rania Al Abdullah, the Queen of Jordan.

    We've always kinda suspected that she's a boss.

    She spends her free time hanging out with other BAMFs.

    And she knows exactly how awesome her life is.

    But the best thing about her is that she wants all little girls to grow up and run the world too.

    She's a strong advocate for educating young girls.

    And this letter she wrote for CNN's "Girl Rising" project is maybe the most inspiring thing that's ever been written. Ever. Here are some excerpts:

    "Dear Girls of the World,

    Some of you will be familiar with the childhood rhyme, "What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all things nice, that's what little girls are made of."

    Marketing and stereotyping combine to have us believe that you're also made of pink dresses, pigtails, dolls, ringlets, ribbons, bows and tiaras. That you like cupcakes. That all you will want to be are wives and mothers. That you're more "inclined" to the arts and "better suited" to caring professions like teaching and nursing.

    And, maybe, that's true for some. But my daughter Salma teaches me every day that there's so much more to you – and for you.

    Salma is 13, and I can count, on one hand (in fact, on one finger!), the occasions she's worn a dress -- and they've never been pink! Dolls always stayed on the shelf. She's happiest dribbling a soccer ball past her brothers and scoring goals or building model airplanes with her father. She dreams of being an engineer. That's my Salma; that's why I love her."

    "So, when I think about girls rising, I think of girls like her... I think of the millions of courageous girls all over the Arab world and beyond who, every day, summon inner strength, surmount barriers and make a difference in their communities.

    It won't be easy. We have a long way to go... There's never been a better time for girls to rise up and share their talents with society. And, girls! Society has never needed you more."

    And, finally, this is how she signs off.

    If you're still unconvinced regarding her boss status, just read this Facebook bio.

    Or read the full letter here.