
Apr 2016
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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    So, do you believe that a school should be banned from using "boys" and "girls" when addressing elementary school students? Because trans activists already tried to do that. This isn't about bathrooms. You, apparently, want to abolish gendered spaces. In general, it is best not to… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    No, it isn't stupid. People have the right to practice their beliefs. Much as you may want to, you can't force people to stop practicing their faith just because they walked outside their door. and danb42 has a reasonable point. Businesses that pulled out of NC because of the bathroom… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    alextribeca, yes you would. Most trans people aren't passable. Even most of the ones that are don't look like what they claim to be.


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    This isn't about bathrooms, and you know it. You, apparently, believe that a man can simply claim it's his right to be in a woman's shower, bathroom, dormitory, etc for any reason. That definitely seems logical. Also, I live in California as well. Don't pretend like liberals and leftists… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    It does affect other people though. You are attempting to tear down gender socialization. People like you have already attempted to ban the use of "boys" and "girls" in elementary schools. Try telling the truth for a change.


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    Softie, I can appreciate, to an extent, what you're saying. The reality is that transgenders are probably perfectly nice people. They also don't get special treatment. Men go to the men's room. Women to the women's room. Telling someone that they are a woman because they cut off their… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    You do realize that a transgender woman can include a normal looking man, right? You don't see a problem with a man showering in a woman's locker room? At the end of the day, there is not right for a man to use a woman's designated space or a woman to use a man's designated space.… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    There is no right for a man to use a women's designated space. To say there is means that you are a bigot whenever you separate boys and girls into different groups. Clearly, there is no biological, physical, mental, or hormonal difference between the two groups. If a private business… 


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    No, it isn't. It's ridiculous. Its clear from your statement that you don't quite understand gender theory or how translating theory into practice would impact society.


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  • redonc's avatar

    redonc commented on When Trans Selfies In Bathrooms Go Viral

    Use your logic. It isn't about bathrooms. Are you okay with a man who says he is gender fluid using whichever bathroom he wants depending on the day? If not, why not? Do you even gender theory? Look, the realty of the world is that thinking does not make it so. You can argue that… 


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