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    The Bonnie And Clyde Of The Creative World: Faris & Rosie Yakob

    The latest in Webydo's series of Design Talks, Faris and Rosie Yakob are as entertaining as they are enlightening with their nomadic lifestyle and motto of "Talent Imitates, Genius Steals". / Via

    Faris and Rosie Yakob, the husband-and-wife team behind Genius Steals are traveling the world with their nomadic agency helping brands discover new ways of thinking and innovative products. Their past clients ranged from BMW, Motorola, and Samsung, to Google, Microsoft, Nestle, Oreo and even Pampers.

    When asked how they produce groundbreaking communication ideas in such a wide range of industries, they shamelessly admit that they’re “stealing” their goods, fulfilling their agency’s motto, ‘Talent Imitates, Genius Steals’.

    Faris and Rosie believe there is no reason to agonize when trying to come up with original ideas for your clients, as originality is a romanticized myth. Though, they do distinguish between copying (which they consider lame) and honorable, methodical stealing that helps humanity produce valuable new ideas.

    Webydo managed to catch this power couple to hear their thoughts on the psychological process behind successfully producing new ideas and harnessing creativity. They provided a fresh angle on communication: a shift in focus from messaging to behavior. This creative duo also gave us invaluable insight into working with a romantic partner and the benefits of living on the road.

    See the full article on the interview HERE