Newt Gingrich Loves "Downton Abbey"

    "You're never bored," Gingrich says. "It's sort of MTV designed into longform."

    WASHINGTON — Newt and Callista Gingrich have become committed fans of the show Downton Abbey, the former Republican presidential hopeful said Thursday.

    "One night last week we were up until 2 in the morning, because we had to see the next one," Gingrich said during a breakfast hosted by National Review. "We're well into season three now."

    Gingrich, who said he most identifies with the character Lord Grantham, the patriarch of Downton Abbey, praised the popular television program as "a great study in plot" because the show incorporates myriad subplots into a larger storyline.

    "You're never bored," Gingrich said. "It's sort of MTV designed into longform."