

I'm an Applied Design graduate of SDSU. My emphasis was metals and jewelry design. However, I also loved fibers and ceramics. I have a need to create which is always there just under the surface. I see something interesting - a piece of jewelry, clothing, accessory, stuffed animal, blanket, ceramic piece, or even just an artistically done dessert - and wonder how I might go about recreating, redesigning, or improving upon it. My project load has slowed down since graduation which means I need to start assigning myself some so there are fewer all night creative insomnia attacks where a design comes to mind and, without regular creative release, it is impossible to sleep until the item is at least recognizable for what it's going to be. Away from art, I enjoy lots of other things . . . . hmmmm, hiking, movies, the zoo, wild animal park, and aquarium. Annnnd video games. I am a tower defense addict. Though I'm a fan of one on one fighting games too, my favorites being Soul Calibur and Street Fighter. I remember an interesting one my brother and I use to play, I think it was called Primal Rage where you both got to be Dinosaurs. Mario Bros. is always good fun too of course and who can pass up Mario Kart? I love animals especially cats, though I've had some pretty cool dogs too. My youngest brother has a guinea pig and now I see the attraction to those too. It has a lot more personality than my two rat boys ever did and is absolutely adorable with all the little squeaks and purr like sounds. Plus, you don't know how cute 'popcorning' is till you see it. Life is still constantly changing and trying to find the balance between work and my passion for art is one of it's challenges. Ideally it'd be wonderful to have those be one in the same. But I can be happy with them being separate. Though, I'm not ruling out art as a career I'm just remaining open to the options.

Feb 2011
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