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The Official Post-Valentine's Day Breakup Playlist

Valentine's Day doesn't always mean chocolate and flowers -- sometimes, it means solidifying the end of your toxic relationship, and reaffirming your individuality. Here are 15 songs to get you started, each complete with its own personalized Breakup GIF -- there's one for every situation! Click the song titles to listen and add your own songs to the breakup playlist. Sign in to Rdio to hear the full playlist!

1. The Forceful Hipster Breakup

2. The Melancholy Yet Amicable Breakup

3. The Angry Cheater Breakup

4. The Lazy Moocher Breakup

5. The Don't Need Anybody Breakup

6. The I'm-Pissed-Off-They-Are-A-Terrible-Person Breakup

7. The Shortsighted Materialist Breakup

8. The Gen-X Breakup

9. The Power-Pop You're Better Than Them Breakup

10. The Biker Gang Breakup

11. The Down Home Lone-Star Breakup

12. The Complete Disaster Breakup

13. The Angsty Indie Breakup

14. The In-Between-4th-Period-Spanish-And-Study-Hall Breakup

15. The Brutally Honest Breakup

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