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    16 + 6 = 22 (A 22-Year-Old’s Thoughts On Being 22)

    Recently, several highly successful people who have made their mark on the world wrote articles describing what they would tell their 22-year-old-selves. These individuals have some great insight to offer, as they have climbed their way from the bottom to the top of the top. They’re the crème de la crème of their respective fields. As a current 22-year-old, I’ve obviously been able to connect with the topic of interest. Since I am only 22 and have not really accomplished anything in life (except driving my parents bonkers a few times perhaps), I am probably not qualified to offer any sort of ‘life advice.’ But, as someone ‘in medias res’ with respect the whole 22-year-old thing, I thought it would be nice to write a few lines from a real-life 22-year-old’s perspective. So, I have outlined 16 things I’ve learned thus far in life, and 6 things I haven’t come close to mastering. Maybe some other youngsters my age can relate (I apologize in advance if you find what I have to say overly cliché).

    16 Things I’ve Learned

    1.)Unlike school, things will not fall into place for you just because you are smart, creative, and talented. You actually have to work and struggle in real life.

    2.)You may have to rewrite everything you know several times, just because everything you thought you knew turns out to be wrong.

    3.)Life is both finding and creating yourself.

    4.)Listen to your mom. She knows what she's talking about.

    5.)Failure keeps us humble, and on our toes.

    6.)Tell the truth. Plain and simple.

    7.)Travel as much as you can while you are young. There's a world out there to love.

    8.)Hold on to beautiful friendships (I've let golden friends slip out of my life, and regret it. My older sister has held on to friendships she formed as a child, and it's amazing how many stages of life they've helped each other through).

    9.) Life will take you by surprise, and drag you down a totally different road whether you are ready or not.

    10.)Be thankful for what you have. Your life could always be a great deal worse.

    11.)The universe is full of signs. Keep your eyes OPEN.

    12.)Stick to a routine. Structure contributes to efficiency.

    13.)Don't let go of your childhood dreams, even when swamped by the demands of adulthood. Child you just may be the real you.

    14.)Alcohol is stupid. If you want antioxidants just eat some grapes (you don't need to pop a bottle of wine).

    15.)Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

    16.)Stay a child at heart. No matter how long ago you lost your innocence.

    6 Things I’ve Not Even Scratched the Surface of Mastering

    17.)How do I forgive myself for hurting people

    18.)Forgiving people that hurt me

    19.)Dwelling on the road not taken

    20.)Not letting my emotions get the best of me

    21.)Remembering that I am not the center of the universe.

    22.)Fearing uncertainty.