People Are Sharing "Really Dumb" Hobbies Practiced By Rich People, And Wow, I Didn't Even Realize Some Of These Were A Thing

    "Technically, it can be an investment — but if they never sell it, then it's not."

    When someone has a lot of money, they may acquire new hobbies. So, when Reddit user u/zer0w0rries asked: "What are some really dumb hobbies, mainly practiced by wealthy individuals?" over 7,000 people had thoughts. Here's what they had to say below:

    1. "Buying an expensive car and then keeping it in your garage without ever actually driving it."

    a sport car sitting outside

    2. "Even though I enjoy the taste, collecting ultra-expensive wine and not ever drinking it. Technically, it can be an investment, but if they never sell it, then it's not really an investment in my honest opinion."


    3. "Collecting the same Rolex in different variations — and never wearing any because it's in a safe."

    two expensive watches next to each other

    4. "Shooting elephants. They just stand there facing off to you, and you just shoot them. Sounds like a waste of time."


    5. "12-meter yacht racing. It's like standing fully clothed in a cold shower and tearing up hundred-dollar bills. By the million."

    the front of a yacht

    6. "Being cheap. One of my friends has the money to buy the restaurants we eat at, but if we split an item, she’ll fraction out how much she puts toward it. 'I only ate one slice of pizza, and there are six in total, so I’ll put down 1/6.' She also factors this into tipping. Drives me mental."


    7. "Climbing Everest."

    climbers on Everest

    8. "Talking down on poor people with things like 'stop buying coffee and you'll be rich one day.'"


    9. "Golf. Let's cut this forest down so we can build a field for the most boring sport in existence."

    a golf ball and club

    10. "Flying to a convention against climate change in your private jet."


    11. "Buying and collecting rare/expensive art."

    a piece of art on a wall

    12. "Fox hunting."


    13. "People that collect luxury clothing brands and shoes and then never wear them."

    expensive suits on a rack

    14. "Going on exotic vacations to resorts in remote locations and not actually learning anything about the culture of the place they’re temporarily colonizing."


    15. "Buying solid gold toilets and other items."

    a gold toilet

    16. "Making one-dollar bets with other rich people that disrupts and ruins normal people's lives. Social experiments and such."


    17. "Collecting high-end trading cards. Even worse is buying high-end unopened boxes/cases to open. Drake allegedly spent an estimated $200k on unopened cases looking for one specific card."

    drake's trading cards

    Do you believe there's a hobby you think is weird that wealthy people do? If so, tell us what it is in the comments below: