These 9 Extremely Serendipitous Photo Bombs Will Make You Believe In Love Again

    TFW destiny finds a way <3

    So there's this crazy trend? phenomenon? photogenic proof of destiny's existence? where couples are discovering that they've been photographed together before they ever knew each other — sometimes even decades in advance!

    Most recently, this married couple in China found photos of themselves as teenagers posing in the same square — on the same day, at the same exact moment!

    Married couple in China discover they appeared in same photograph as teenagers: Report


    The couple, identified as Xue and Ye, were visiting the May Fourth Square in the beachside city of Qingdao in July 2000 — 11 years before they met in a totally different city.

    We dug into the internet a little to find 8 other photos/stories of ~crossed paths~ — and we'll be darned if they don't make us shiver just a tiny bit:

    1. This photo shows Reddit user pcsbor's cousin (the dude on the left) in the same photo as his future in-laws, seven years before he met his wife.

    2. This well-known pic went viral back in 2010, where you can see a little girl named Donna on the right and a boy named Alex in a stroller in the background. Decades later, one week before their wedding, Donna and Alex Voutsinas were going through old family photos before they realized the coincidence!

    3. Which reminds us of this story of this British couple, who found out that they'd been photographed on the beach together as kids, just a few yards apart.

    4. And this Chinese couple discovered a picture of themselves from when they were 5-year-olds at the same wedding party from the 90s:

    5. Meanwhile, this New Jersey couple made a startling find while watching an old home video: Jourdan Spencer and her husband Ryan recognized Ryan's 13-year-old self running briefly across the screen.

    6. Here's another one: This young couple from Kosovo, Verona and Mirand, found out that they both vacationed on the same beach in Montenegro as children — after identifying Mirand on a floatie in one of Verona's childhood pictures.

    7. People have also shared similar serendipitous stories on Twitter, like this one:

    8. And this one!

    Got a serendipitous story to share? Leave yours in the comments below!

    This post was translated from Portuguese.