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    Why Medical School Is Like Pledging a Sorority

    Just when you thought pledging your sorority was over with your college graduation, you started medical school where it's happening. All. Over. Again. Bring out the paddles.

    I'm pledging all over again, but this time with rubbing alcohol.

    1. Staying up until ungodly hours to finish something that still won't be good enough, hitting a point that you stop giving a shit and then laying in your bed contemplating your life decisions and eating ice cream.

    2. Subsisting on coffee, saltines and nervous energy during hell/finals week and feeling like that's enough of a well balanced diet

    3. Clinging to your mentor/big for dear life and texting them at all hours with the most random asinine questions, you're surprised they still answer you

    4. Thinking that the next person who tells you they had time to go to the gym, watch Netflix or go shopping is going to end up with your fist in their face.

    5. Having that group of upper classmen/older sisters that tell you these are the "best years of your life" as you cringe and try to remember the last time you slept

    6. Forgetting when the last time you did laundry was as you wear the same pair of black yoga pants to class again

    7. Trying to memorize 184638293646 facts and realizing that it's about the equivalent of trying to drink out of a fire hose.

    8. Trying to balance the never ending should I eat, shower or sleep battle but then realizing that sorority stuff/studying for med school exams probably trumps it all out.

    9. Having that one person in your pledge class/cadaver lab group that everyone hates but then realizing that you're "a group of one" and silently cursing them.

    10. Telling your family and friends back home that "you don't have time for their shit, you have too much of your own stuff to do." But then talking to them on the phone for 2 hours because you miss the real world

    11. Being forever afraid of that one older sister/med school professor that yells at you for no reason. Seriously. No. Fucking. Reason.

    12. Calculating the minimum score you can get on a test so you can stop giving a shit and go to bed

    13. Joining 1372826 committees because you are "super pledge"/medical student of the year and then immediately regretting that decision when you realize that you're actually going to get less sleep than you did before. So now you're down to -2 hours.

    14. Having cliques within something that you thought everyone was "the same" in and then realizing that you actually only like 5 people and the other people suck.

    15. Ending at least 1-2 friendships because you are so stressed that you just yell for no reason. But then realizing that you are a sleep deprived and hangry psycho and apologizing to them.

    16. Stress becomes the only word to describe your life.

    17. Finding a group of people/friends that have your back no matter what

    18. Learning how strong of a person you are and what you are capable of

    19. Realizing that it is possible to subsist on 4 hours of sleep every night and that's a GOOD night

    20. Questioning WHY you did this in the first place

    21. Realizing that you've cried more times in the past few weeks than you have in the past 2 decades of your life

    22. Dreaming of drinking heavily once this is all over. And not just heavily. Like liver failure inducing status.

    23. Realizing that you've spent more money on this than a new car

    24. Praying for a snow day, power outage, mass volcanic eruption etc just so you can sleep in and not have to get some bullshit message about something you don't give a shit about

    25. Having email and text message anxiety and keeping your ringer on loud so you don't miss something important. But nothing important ever comes until you're in the shower. Naked. And have zero time to react.

    26. It's not hazing it's character building. Character building, my ass.

    27. Dreaming of being the sorority president/best doctor and just settling for trying to make it through until Christmas break without losing your shit.

    28. Realizing you like your cats more than humans.

    29. Daily life tasks are hard. When was the last time you went grocery shopping? Took out the garbage? Did laundry?

    30. Becoming the queen of power naps and multitasking.

    31. Being scared shitless that at some point you are going to have to be in charge of things.

    32. Realizing how strong you've become, what you've learned and accomplished and cherishing the friends that you've made and experiences you've had.

    33. Never wanting to trade the experience for the world and being crazy enough to go through it all again.