11 Powerful Images Depicting The Realities of Reverse Racism

    It's a tough world out there for white people.

    1. In the picture below, you'll see the considerable number of individuals who have already been victimized by reverse racism just this year.

    2. And these poor people were passed up for employment because they are "too white."

    3. Here are all the directors of large companies who were discriminated against for the same reason.

    4. This group of young, white professionals all get paid less than their black counterparts who all do the exact same job.

    5. These are the white victims of harassment by security personnel at supermarkets and department stores.

    6. Here's every white person who's been asked, "Yeah, but like, where are you originally from?"

    7. These white people have suffered through racism since childhood, perpetrated both by schoolmates AND teachers who have even gone as far as giving them nicknames based on the color of their skin.

    8. These individuals are upset about the lack of white representation in popular media, such as TV shows, movies, and even in advertisements.

    9. These women have had to endure hearing "I've never actually gone out with a white girl before" on almost every date they've ever gone on.

    10. This picture shows every white person who has been working hard to get their doctorate just to be mistaken for the janitorial crew while on campus.

    11. And here's every single person who has been turned away from a place because they're "whiteys."

    This post was translated from Portuguese.