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    Looking For A Healthy Dessert That Kids Can't Say 'NO' To? Here Are 5 Desserts Ideas To Choose From

    Tantalizing healthy desserts for the ageless sweet tooth...

    Struggling with choosing the right healthy dessert for your kid(s)? Having trouble convincing your son or daughter to enjoy a healthier dessert?

    Desserts are meant to be delicious and sweet treats, and a healthier option is beneficial in any situation.

    Whether you're preparing some sweet delight for a birthday or as a simple weekend treat, here's 5 healthy types of desserts your kids will never refuse.

    Dessert snacks

    This is a no-brainer, really!

    Your simple solution is preparing a homemade chocolate with cocoa powder and other organic ingredients. Turn them into chocolate bars and watch them disappear from the plate, faster than you can say 'dessert'.

    If you need to be creative, you can actually prepare my healthy chocolate clusters recipe, tiny energy-boosting choco-balls, quick treats that vanish instantly.

    Recommended homemade snack recipe: Nutritious Choco-Clusters

    Other options to consider: cookies (of all sizes and shapes), delightful sweet sandwiches with fruits and chocolate, healthy homemade candy (gummies, fudge, marshmallows).

    Time for cake and/or pie!

    Kids can't say NO to cake or pies. It's a great opportunity for you to introduce new ingredients in your children's nutrition without them noticing them at first, but enjoying them instantly.

    Recommended pie recipe: Sugar and bake-free lime, dates and walnut pie

    You can get really creative, with ingredients ranging from carrots, berries, peaches, even pineapples. Prepare tempting muffins or cupcakes, add nuts (almonds, walnut, etc), experiment with sweet toppings (even with homemade healthy funfetti).

    Fruit boosters

    A child nutrition is nowhere healthy without adding some fruits in the mix. Mix them in with yogurts, dips, smoothies or other fruit drinks, these are a quick dessert solution.

    Favor the colorful fruits your child likes, use them as ingredients, prepare tasty fruit-shaped desserts that your kid will instantly recognize.

    Homemade (fruit) ice cream

    A sweet and refreshing summer dessert, (fruit) ice cream is an instant hit for kids of all ages. Preparing an ice cream with healthy ingredients has only one downsize: the (freezer) wait time.

    You can prepare dairy-free ice creams, add delicious fruits in the mix; you can also opt for a yogurt refreshing version.

    You can experiment with these flavorful ice creams, you can also prepare popsicles.

    Grilled Fruit BBQ/Skewers

    Another great dessert choice, skewer some bite-size piece of preferred fruits and grill away. Either serve the fruit skewers by themselves, or mix with salads and other ingredients for an exciting treat.

    Nota bene:

    Please include your children in these dessert preparation steps, get them involved and creative with ingredients. Even if it's a simple choice of favorite fruit/ingredient color or shape, children will love helping you out.