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    The Rollercoaster Of Death

    A Ph.D. candidate in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art has designed a hypothetical rollercoaster meant to kill. (Via Design Taxi)

    • The Hypothetical Euthanasia Machine

      Julijonas Urbonas created his coaster to take lives as humanely and euphorically as possible. (*It definitely needs a catchier name).

    • Riding the coasters track, the rider is subjected to a series of intensive motion elements that induce various unique experiences: from euphoria to thrill, and from tunnel vision to loss of consciousness and, eventually, death, he wrote on his website.

    • The Kill Of The Thrill

      "The 500-meter structure is designed to kill its rider from cerebral hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen supply to the brain." (Source)

    • Julijonas Urbonas

      Urbonas said he was inspired to create the rollercoaster by a quote from John Allen, former president of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company: The ultimate rollercoaster is built when you send out 24 people and they all come back dead. This could be done, you know. (I can see yahoos lining up around the proverbial block to prove that they can ride this rollercoaster and live. Oh - can't forget about the LiveFeed show either...)