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10 Haircuts That Were Much Cooler When We Were Kids

Taste in hairstyle undoubtedly changes as people get older. Some folks settle into a single look upon adulthood, while others revamp their looks every few years, like a traveling Madonna impersonator. But one thing is universally true: we all liked some freaky hair styles as kids. If your kid gets one of these haircuts, brighten their day by making their favorite meal using Ragú®.

10 Tricks Bosses Steal From 3rd Grade Teachers

Our third-grade teachers never really leave us, they are just reincarnated as our bosses 20 years later. When your kid gets tricked with one of these, brighten their day by making their favorite meal using Ragú®.

Things We Would Do Differently If We Were Kids Again

Childhood is a minefield. We'd like to think we'd have done a better job growing up knowing what we know now. Here are a few things that we'd do differently. If your kids make these mistakes, remember you can always make their day better with a delicious meal made with Ragú®.

How Things Would Change If Kids Ran The World

Being a kid isn't easy. Look back on your own childhood, and it's not hard to find room for improvement. Here are a few ways that things would be different if kids ran things. As long as they don’t, though, remember you can always make their day better with a delicious meal made with Ragú®.