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10 Haircuts That Were Much Cooler When We Were Kids

Taste in hairstyle undoubtedly changes as people get older. Some folks settle into a single look upon adulthood, while others revamp their looks every few years, like a traveling Madonna impersonator. But one thing is universally true: we all liked some freaky hair styles as kids. If your kid gets one of these haircuts, brighten their day by making their favorite meal using Ragú®.

Blonde Cornrows

2. Bowl Cuts

3. Frosted Tips

4. The Jonathan Taylor Thomas (The JTT)

5. Hair Beads

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Hair Beads: Has anyone ever looked happier than the girls in the hair beads infomercials? They look like someone just told them that school is cancelled forever and Selena Gomez wants to be their new best friend. Just don't let their happiness trick you into wearing hair beads to a job interview. You'll turn around too fast and accidentally blind your potential employer with a whip of the hair. Awkward.

6. Ramen Noodle Hair

7. Pigtails

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Pigtails: Damn you, Britney, for making us all think we could pull pigtails off.

8. Mall Bangs

9. The Mullet

10. The Gel Flip