These Are Some Of The Grossest School Lunches In The U.S.

    You might never look at a cafeteria the same way.

    While researching school dropout rates, Farah Sheikh got the idea for Fed Up, a blog showcasing school lunches. Nutrition "has a pretty big impact on student concentration and student performance in school," she told NPR.

    Revamped meals sometimes leave students hungry with their smaller portions -- because of this, Sheikh emphasized that students have to be a part of the dialogue as school officials redo what is being served.

    "We want to give decision-makers a sense of what it's like to be a student who isn't getting the energy they need from their school lunch," she says.

    Here are some of the most down-voted submissions from the 7,000 school lunches Sheikh has featured.


    "Fish stick tacos."

    "Rubbery nuggets and burnt fries."


    "Baked potato with cheese."

    "Chicken burger."

    "Meatless dog."

    "Smothered double fiber with a side of trans fat."

    "Chinese dine in."

    "Feeling Mexican???"

    "Rotten gutsy nachos."

    "The poor man's pizza."

    "Carbs - (not so) delicious carbs."

    "Dorito don't-eat-o taco salad."

    "When you find out what it is, let me know."

    "Gross and unknown."

    "French toast."



    "Bitz n pizzas."

    "Russianing beef at school :( "

    "Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, gravy and juice."

    "Poop taco."

    "Hot dog? Sandwich?"