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    How To Pitch Lifestyle Stories To BuzzFeed

    UPDATE: We're no longer accepting freelance pitches for these topics.


    Unfortunately, we're no longer accepting freelance pitches for these topics. Thank you for your interest!

    What is BuzzFeed Life, and what do you cover?

    We're the lifestyle and service wing of BuzzFeed, which means we're interested in helping you live a better, more fun/beautiful/healthy/productive/interesting life. And we cover lots of topics. So many topics! Stuff like:

    STYLE: clothing, hair, makeup, personal style, shopping, body image

    FOOD: cooking, eating, drinking, restaurants, recipes

    DIY: tech & products, decorating, design, organization, crafting, cleaning, gifts

    PARENTING: parenting at all ages, stuff parents need, stuff kids like

    TRAVEL: where to go, how to get there, what to do there

    HEALTH: general health, love & sex, nutrition & healthy eating, fitness & exercise, mental health, happiness

    AND: pets, weddings, career & relationship advice, cars, personal finance, general life skills & a lot more!

    So, what should I pitch?

    1. Smart informational stories that are useful to readers.

    2. Essays that express your unique point of view.

    3. Helpful, original service and how-to guides.

    4. Experiential stories about going somewhere or trying something fascinating.

    This could be a story where you're using yourself as a guinea pig to test advice or a lifestyle regime, or your description of a crazy event or place our readers would be interested in. Either way, it should raise discussion about issues and realities people might not be aware of. For example:

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    I Tried To Make Cheetos And Discovered That It’s Actually Impossible

    5. Humor and satire that connects to or riffs on a topic we cover.