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    17 Fascinating Weed Facts That Even Non-Stoners Will Enjoy

    There are more medical cannabis dispensaries in Colorado than there are Starbucks.

    1. The egg industry did not appreciate that iconic 1987 "This is your brain on drugs" PSA.

    2. Speaking of that PSA, the actor who starred in it has since reversed his position on pot, and actually voted for legalization in 2016.

    3. The term "marijuana" has prettttty racist origins.

    4. In 1938, Dr. James Munch, a weed "expert" for the U.S. government testified under oath that smoking weed once...turned him into a bat.

    5. Presidents Zachary Taylor and Franklin Pierce both smoked pot while fighting the Mexican-American War.

    6. After Tupac died, his friends mixed his ashes with weed and smoked them.

    7. There are more medical cannabis dispensaries in Colorado than there are Starbucks.

    8. "Muggles" was a slang term for weed in the 1930s.

    9. In 2015, several of William Shakespeare's pipe fragments tested positive for cannabis residue.

    10. It can take 90 minutes to two hours for ingested weed to get you high, versus just 10 minutes for inhaled weed.

    11. But! If you do get suuuuuuper high and don't like it, sniffing or nibbling black peppercorns can help.

    12. Trace amounts of weed can be found in the air in several Italian cities.

    13. If you need to clear the smell of pot from the air, soak a dish towel or rag in white vinegar, ring it out so it's not dripping, and then walk through the room, spinning the towel like a helicopter.

    14. You can buy weed at the supermarket in North Korea.

    15. Iceland loves pot more than any other country.

    16. You can thank a group of of high school stoners for "420."

    17. Here are some extremely cool ways to say no to weed:

    I am beginning a thread where I post a video of me saying each and every one of these
