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31 Subscription Gifts They'll Love All Year

Give the gift of a good mail day.

We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

1. Bourbon Every Month

2. A Year of Amazon Prime

3. A Yoga Podcast and Video Subscription

4. A Coffee Subscription

5. Kindle Unlimited

6. A Monthly Box Filled with Health Snacks

7. A Bow of the Month Subscription

8. A Nail Polish of the Month Club

9. Beautiful Stationery On The Regular

10. A Monthly Delivery of Men's Grooming Products

11. A Monthly Delivery of Pads and Tampons (and Chocolates and Cosmetics)

12. A Scrapbook Supply Subscription

13. A Kid-Friendly Craft Box

14. Special Access to Great Fashion

15. Monthly Fragrance Samples

16. A Dog Toy and Treat Subscription

17. Monthly STEM Projects for Kids

18. A Netflix Subscription

19. A Monthly Care Package

20. Monthly Spice Blends

21. Regular Products for Endurance Athletes

22. A Local Museum Membership

23. An Audible Subscription

24. A Monthly Delivery of Southern Goods

25. Unlimited Movies in Theaters

26. Unlimited Workout Classes

27. A State Park Membership

28. A Costco Membership

29. Monthly Products for the Discerning Pothead

30. An Art Supply Subscription

31. A Web-Hosting Subscription

Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides here!